Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Oh boy....

Recently, I have been absolutely blown away at the difference between our two boys.

Of course, I would be concerned if they were exactly the same, really concerned actually. But I find it so unbelievably fascinating how two average people can create and raise, two very different human beings. I am sure there are some varying outward factors that have changed since E was a baby. Being a first time mom, I was on top of his every move. Being his main influence, whatever I was doing or interested in, he was. He didn't have an older sibling to show him the way or the tricks of the trade. He was and still is, a very cautious kid. He didn't enjoy being hung upside down or thrown around too much. It took him quite some time to gain the confidence to climb up to the highest slide at the park (it probably didn't help that I was always yelling "Be CAREFUL", from below). While walking to the park one time, he asked if we could go and have a latte at Starbucks instead (those would be my genes). Only recently has he found his boyish independence, his desire to wrestle and do kung fu, and play games that only typical boys would love. He's 5.

So far in the course of writing this post, I have rescued BabyJ off the top of the kitchen table about 5 times.

"But mom, the salt & pepper told me to.."

It must be the combination of having an older brother, a slightly more relaxed mother and his own fierce independence that makes BabyJ so different from E. I've often heard that subsequent children are a bit more advanced than the first, but living it first hand is a whole other story.

This kid loves to be thrown around, hung upside down, climb up on EVERYTHING, attempt to walk up the stairs... and down, refuses to be fed unless he's doing it himself, and is freakishly strong for a 17 month old. I don't even want to think about how much fun he will have climbing to the highest slide at the park this summer. (Makes my knees weak seeing my babies so high off the ground). And if he's doing all of this and more now... what craziness will the next few years hold? How will I keep the gray hairs of worry at bay? These wrinkles and bags are not a welcome feature!

I've just been informed that a certain 5 year old kissed his best girl friend on the bus. Furniture scaling does not seem so bad anymore. I know "boys will be boys"... but oh boy, am I ever living it.

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