Monday, November 23, 2009

While we were away and The Husband cleaned, organized and Christmas decorated, he moved our small, ancient TV from the main living room to our bedroom. Yes, I know what they say about a TV in a couple's bedroom.
But do those people have toddlers that wake up at the crack of dawn, only to snuggle kick, poke, bounce in bed with them? Do they know the magic that early cartoons (in bed) have for SAHM's?

I didn't think so.

Having the TV in our bedroom is a new thing, one that The Child has quickly grown to love.

Maybe a bit too much.

The other night we put him to sleep in his bed. Listened at the door for a few minutes, and then made our way downstairs, positive that he was fast asleep, dreaming of sugar plums. Retreating to our "Cave" (the basement which holds the very very large TV... and maybe a futon on the floor), we were confident in settling in for a cozy night of quality television.
About an hour and a half later, The Husband decides that its his bedtime and begins to make his way upstairs.

Only to not come back down again and say:

"Did you put The Child in our bed? With the TV on?"
(Hellooooo? Who is he talking to???)

Me: "No. Of course not!"

TH: "Huh. Well, maybe you should come upstairs"

We did not make our way upstairs to find a very clever child, zoned out in front of cartoons, not relaxing in Mommy & Daddy's bed, at 9:30pm.

Somehow, the little smarty pants did not find the remote, or the cartoon station, or think that it was an ok thing to do. The Husband and I did not have a hard time keeping a straight face while disciplining him. Nope, not us!

I was not crazy, frazzled Mom on Thursday morning, rushing around, trying to get The Child out the door in time for pre-school. We were not almost 15mins late, only to find the doors locked. The Child did not proceed to have a melt down (he was seriously looking forward to some time away from crazy Mommy) and I did not begin to create a fabulous story in my head as to all the possibilities as why the school was closed.
Did they close down and not call me? Do they not like my child? Did they have a field trip planned and forget us? Do they not love me?
Oh yes, I had a fabulous time on my little concocted pity trip.

Once home, I called the administrator only to discover that the teachers had not called in sick the week before. And one of the kids Mommy's had not called to inform the school that her child was not being treated for H1N1.

My insecurities did not instantly turn into a pat on the back for my impeccable timing of missing the 2 weeks of school that everyone was sharing extra special germs. Nope, not me!

1 comment:

Trish said...

I just need to say once again how much I love "Not Me Mondays". I love the honest, and definetly "not" glamorous, reality check you lay on the line for all of us to definetly not judge in any way whatsoever. I am seriously gonna have to steal the idea for my blog. Love you!