Beginning our fabulous journey through the 4th year, I found it only fitting to start with chocolate chip pancakes.
Apparently, they are only a semi-hit, as The Child only had 1! Seriously, who only eats 1?! I even had 2... silly kid. Guess he's saving his sugar reserves for later.
I love birthdays, especially my own, but my child's birthday bring such a different feeling for me. My own birthday is one of excitement, anticipation and hope, while his brings all of those things as well as reflection. I treasure the time to reflect not only on his life so far, but how I have changed as a person, a wife, a mother.
Children are mirrors, they show us ourselves, the ugly and the beautiful.
Every one of his birthdays causes me to pause and remember the moment that I passed through the very sacred rite of passage of maiden to motherhood. My own death and transformation, daily being broken and humbled, yet healed at the same time. I know this next year is going to be one of much growth, and with grace, love, and hopefully some newly discovered patience, we will walk each step.
First step? Getting all the treat bags loaded into the car for a very special 4 year olds party.
Hello mayhem.
Lovely blog post! Daveney and I are excited to help Eli celebrate with his buddies later today. Enjoy every bit of the mayhem!!! :) <3
so cute!!! happy Birthday to him
Happy Birthday Eli!!!! I hope his party is fantabulous!
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