Thursday, September 02, 2010

And the women gathered...

I am officially in my 'due' month. What a great time of year to have a baby, September just oozes new beginnings, beautiful changes, and a sense of settling, snuggling into routine. Even though I am much past my school attending years, I love the smell of early September mornings. Crisp, bright, cool yet warm in the lingering sunshine of summer.. aahhhh the smell of new school supplies and new adventures. (Yes, I was one of those weird people that liked school).

This September will mark a very significant change in our lives, the welcoming of a new babe into our family. I couldn't think of a better way to start off the month than by preparing to be blessed to my core at my upcoming Mother Blessing. This weekend, the women who are the most significant to me will gather, surrounding me with their love and blessings, and I just can't wait!

Today, my Mom and Sister will begin the long (11 hr) drive to attend the Blessing and stay for the weekend. I am so grateful that they are making the trek to join in on the celebration as it would not be the same without them.

Its kind of fun to imagine they are journeying like the woman would have back in the ancient days. Packing their vehicles (horses, donkeys, caravans... dodge caravan to be exact) with all the supplies (40lbs of juicy, Okanagan peaches to can and jam!) that a mom-to-be would need.

Preparing to take over her home with their nurturing and love.

What a great way to welcome in this birth month then by feeding our belly's and souls, wrapping ourselves in love, laughter, and late nights.


Colette said...

As the mom of a September baby, I wholeheartedly agree with you on all counts that it is a perfect month to welcome a new wee one into the family! Enjoy your Mother Blessing and the visit with your mom and sister. What a beautiful tradition! Are you going to paint henna on your belly?..

Tricia said...

Ah, sister, How I wish I could be there in person to honour your transition to Motherhood once again! Know that I am there in spirit and will hold you in my heart that day and for always. Be well and keep me in the loop on the arrival of the wee one and how your baby moon time unfolds.